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Sandra Day O'Connor High School

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Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Home of the Eagles!


Senior Letter:

Hello Seniors!

You are the true pioneers of your generation!  As you move through these unchartered waters, the counseling department would like to help you navigate.  We will meet early this year provide timely information and answer any questions to help make your post-secondary plans!

There are many paths students can take after high school.  We will try to provide information on some of these options. While the choices can seem a little daunting at times, remember that getting to your ultimate career goal can take time and change directions multiple times before finally settling on the best fit.  All of the experiences along the way are beneficial and will help you realize your full potential! 


Some general pathways may include: 

  • Attending a four-year university (and beyond!)
  • Community College
  • Working after high school
  • Tech or Trade School (to include the adult programs at West-MEC)
  • Joining the military

Some useful links for some of the above pathways would be:

Four-year Universities:

College Reps:  /Page/1699

Scholarships:  /Page/28992

FAFSA: (opens in December--complete ASAP)



U of A:


 Community Colleges:

College Reps:  /Page/1699

Scholarships:  /Page/28992

FAFSA: (opens in December--complete ASAP)


Rio Salado:


Military Reps:  /Page/1705


College Reps:  /Page/1699

FAFSA: (opens in December--complete ASAP)



If you are applying for an out of state university or a scholarship that needs a letter of recommendation, please use this form so that we can write the best letter possible.  LETTER OF REC FORM.



While many universities are “test blind” this year for admissions and scholarships (check individual college websites for each college’s plans), you can visit testing websites for more information about SAT and ACT,




You can request your unofficial transcripts here: 

You can request your official transcripts through a website called Parchment.  Sign up by going to 

  • Click the drop down in the search bar next to 'I would Like to'. In the drop down of options, 
  • Select 'Order my transcript and credentials'. 
  • In the 'Order From' search, enter the school that has your transcript. 
  • Once you find your school, fill in all the fields (name, date of birth, etc).
  • Check the box if you are a parent/guardian. You will then enter the student's information.
  • Your password must be at least 7 characters long.
  • If you are not yet in college, you will get the option to share your information with colleges. If you opt-in, this means that we will make some of the information you provide to us available to a variety of academic institutions and programs, and then they can send you information about them.
  • After clicking Sign up, check your email for the verification code and then enter it into the screen you were just on. Now you can start ordering records.
  • In your Dashboard, under your name, you will see your transcript as shown below.  Click on the picture of the transcript (NOT the order button) to view your transcript.  From there, you can view, download, or print your transcript.

Click here for the senior handout provided by your Counselor when completing your senior check.