Bookstore Staff
Bookstore Hours
During the school year, we are open Monday through Friday, 7:15 to 12:30, and 1:15 to 3:00.
***Every Wednesday the bookstore will be closed after 12:30 to complete inventory***
Please feel free to contact us!
You may pay from the comfort of your own home.
This site is for HS tax credit payments, student fees/fines, and bookstore sale items only. Please follow the instructions to use a student account or guest account. Remember to print your receipt if you do not create an account. Contact the Bookstore if you need your password reset.
Forms of Payment
We now accept debit and credit cards in the Bookstore. Your VISA, Mastercard, or Discover card must be present to swipe.
Please make all checks/money orders payable to: SDOHS
Please reference your student in the memo. We also require a phone number on all checks.