Health Center
The Health Center is staffed by a full time RN and part time assistant.
To all parents and guardians:
Medications can be dropped off at the Health Center for the school year by parent or guardian only. Please do not send your student to school with any medications, or drop them off at the front office. In accordance with the Arizona School Board Association and the DVUSD Governing Board Policy JLCD, a written doctor's order will now be required for any prescription medication or dietary supplement. In addition parent/guardian consent is required for over the counter medications and medications must be supplied by the parent/guardian as there are no "stock" medications kept on campus. These forms can be obtained from the school nurse.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or if we can be of assistance.
School Nurse
Health Center Assistant
Jessica Miller
Medical Authorization to Administer Medication or Dietary Supplement to Student - Authorization form
Notice of Authorization Form
Notice Of Authorization Form gives authorization from a parent/guardian to allow students to leave school in an emergency situation, appointment or personal reason explained. Proof of identification is required and can be faxed or emailed. Students cannot be released to another individual without this form completely filled out.