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Sandra Day O'Connor High School

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Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Home of the Eagles!

Handbook and Guides

The Academic Planning Guide is a tool that desribes the courses offered within Deer Valley Unified School District.  Other district handbooks and guides can be found here as well.


There are several resources within the Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.  It is important that all students and parents familiarize themselves with this handbook.  School - parent partnership is expected in DVUSD's approach to student discipline.

DVUSD SR&R (Espanol) -

Spanish version. 

SDOHS Student Handbook

This guide is a great resource for students and parents.  It outlines important characteristics and expectations of Deer Valley Unified School District. 


Behavior Flow Chart -

The Flow Chart is a quick reference as to how Major and Minor offenses are handled at Sandra Day O'Connor High School.  Sandra Day O'Connor High School uses Positive Behavior Supports as a primary resource for behavior expectations. 


Behavior Matrix - Student conduct is very important on campus and within the community of Sandra Day O'Connor High School.  This is a quick reference guide is not limited to, but includes some of those expectations.   

