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Sandra Day O'Connor High School

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Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Home of the Eagles!

Transition School to Work Program (TSW)


The Transition from School to Work program is provided in collaboration with Vocational Rehabilitation and is available to students who have completed the intake process through Vocational Rehabilitation and have been determined eligible.

This program provides enhanced transition services focused on employment, including career exploration, job development, volunteer opportunities, community-based career exploration and job shadows, etc. Students work closely with TSW and Vocational Rehabilitation Staff to ensure that each student’s post-secondary plan is an accurate reflection of his/her interests and ability. When the student graduates from high school, the TSW staff assist in a seamless transition to the student’s next step in employment/training. 

Scroll down to learn more about Sandra Day O'Connor's TSW Program. If you have questions or would like to enroll your student please contact a team member listed at the bottom of the page to obtain the referral packet!

TSW Staff

Vocational Rehabilitation is a state program that provides a variety of services to persons with documented disabilities, with the ultimate goal to prepare for, enter into, or retain competitive employment.

At O'Connor Vocational Rehabilitation determines eligibility for the Transition School to Work program. Once a student is found eligible they have access to our VR Counselor on campus weekly to ask questions and gain insight surrounding their post-secondary planning. In addition, Vocational Rehabilitation continues to support our students in the program after graduation.

The Transition School to Work, or TSW, program is available for students from 9th - 12th grade who are found eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation. Our program is broken up into four parts, which include three possible classes and a consult. Students will participate in the way that best meets their needs to support and prepare them for their post-secondary goals.


Inquiry is a class offered at O'Connor as part of the TSW program. This class is offered to Sophomores and Juniors. It focuses on several topics that support a student determining their post-secondary goal. They will research and explore the career trees and participate in interest surveys to support their career exploration. They will also learn and develop skills to support seeking a first job such as: an introduction to budgeting, preparing a resume, practicing for interviews, earning various certifications, complex communication skills, professionalism skills, self-advocacy, and honing in on their interests and strengths to guide their job search both now and in the future.



The Development class offered at O'Connor is available to seniors in the TSW program. This class takes a deeper dive into post secondary planning for our students. They will focus on researching careers of interest to them and determining if it is truly what they want to do. They will determine the training, schooling, or programs necessary to achieve their career goal. They also take a deeper dive into practicing and developing skills to prepare them for a competitive job market, such as: continuing learning about budgeting, preparing and editing their resume, more in-depth practice for interviews, earning additional or updating certifications if needed, complex communication skills, professionalism skills, self-advocacy, and preparation for their first steps after high school.


Transition Skills

The Transition Skills course will be new to O'Connor this year and is aimed at supporting our students with more unique barriers to competitive employment. This class will focus on acquiring skills available in both the Inquiry and Development courses while focusing on a more hands-on method of learning. It will also include more life skills in its curriculum.



Consult is the part of the program available to students who are not in the class. Mini-lessons will be provided in small groups for students that will touch on topics aligned with the curriculum of the Inquiry or the Development course. Students on consult will also meet with their VR Counselor monthly and practice digital communication regularly.